Flash Fire Industries

Mobile Firefighter Training Trailer
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Initial Bailout Class in Yantic


On Saturday, January 12th, Flash Fire held an initial bailout class for the Yantic FD. They recently purchased systems and we were there to make sure they got the training they needed. Whether you buy systems from us or someone else, we are here to get you squared away. Even if you purchased the systems years ago and need a refresher, we will get you taken care of!

What makes our bailout class different?
- Tailored to your system
- Tailored to your harness
- Experienced Instructors
- Short lecture on bailout history, case studies etc
- Your components will be covered and short videos demonstrating bailouts

- Transition to hands on familiarization
- Safety check to make sure everyone's harness is properly installed and bailout systems are installed correctly
- Horizontal movements
- Re-packing
- Hasty harnesses
- Lower level roll outs, remote anchoring and tie-offs
- Upper level slides including window anchors and remote tie-offs

See all the photos:

Contact us to schedule a demo, a class, or consultation today!

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Monday, 10 February 2025